© Dolores Ruiz Lupión

ARTROPOMÓN is a video game based on the original POKÉMON scripts of the 6th, 7th and 8th generations. The similarity between its source code and theoretical models based on simulation make it a perfect way to show very complex concepts to the public.
Specifically in this case, by following the instructions attached to this website you will be able to play ARTHROPOMÓN on a PC with Windows 8, 9 and 10 or on a mobile phone with Android. This video game aims to teach in an animated way how to carry out a Bioblitz of soil arthropods (a type of intensive sampling that we use in our research) in order to know the abundance of each species, the abundance of the growth stage of each species. , the ratio between sexes (number of females / number of males) using Arthropomones that simulate some species that we can find in Semi-arid Zones. It also serves to simulate studies of trophic interactions in which the defeated Arthropomon is considered an individual eaten in reality.
You can download the game using the links available at the end of the page.
We go into detail, use the game's recommended route (follow the red arrows):

Mapa de la región
Ruta recomendada de juego
In the video game ARTROPOMÓN we can find the following species. The green PS bar is associated in the real world with the energy tank, that is, the energy that an organism has to live each day . If the green bar empties the individual dies (you can go to the Recovery Center to continue playing). The blue bar represents the level of experience of the individual , as it increases the individual grows and can increase in level or even evolve (in the real world it is comparable to the metamorphosis of a butterfly for example.
A food web is a schematic representation of "who eats who" in a given ecosystem, in this case in the soil of arid areas (blue arrows). All species are cannibalistic (they eat each other) and some can eat each other. For example, adults of Strigamia can eat juveniles of Volkvantula and vice versa, however Kriking cannot eat Strigamia, neither juveniles, subadults nor adults.

This video game is based on real locations in the province of Almería:

Game modes:
Go to the Sampling Area on the Isleta del Moro and in each transect capture 4 individuals using the MASTERBALLS as if they were pitfall traps (image gallery at the end), write down the transect in which you have captured it, the species, the level, the growth stage that you can see above and the sex.
1. Calculate the abundance of each species and compare with real data.
2. Calculate the abundance of each stage of each species and compare with real data.
3. Calculate the ratio between the number of females and the number of males and compare with the actual data.
Use a table like this, at the bottom of the page you can download an EXCEL document where you can enter your data and do the calculations.
THINK, does your data resemble real data, yes or no? If they do not look alike, you will have to capture more individuals in each transect, this is called sampling effort.

1. Download the following zip file:
2. Unzip the .zip file
3. Open folder and run the file:
Download the EXCEL document to calculate abundances and percentages:
Sampling sheet in ARTHROPOMON
Image gallery
European Researchers Night 2022
"Science with Arthropods Workshop"